Libros y Guias

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Libros de Patricia Daniels Cornwell (2 libros)

La isla de los perros

Libro La isla de los perros

Judy Hammer, head of the Richmond police, and Andy Brazil, her righthand man, must go after a gang of delinquents and at the same time, make peace between authorities and the people. Brazil is also an ex-journalist who writes, with a pseudonym, critical articles against the government. His criticism reflects the increasing displeasure that the population feels towards its authorities. This calm place, inhabited mainly by fishermen, has initiated a revolt against the new norms that the governor wants to impose. Judy and Andy will have to mediate between politicians and islanders to avoid...

Causa de muerte

Libro Causa de muerte

El cadáver de Theodore Andrew Edding ha aparecido bajo el agua, tras una supuesta sesión de inmersión. La forense Kay Scarpetta se encarga del caso y empieza a recibir llamadas telefónicas con identidades falsas, al tiempo que se producen comportamientos